Sporting Arrows
by Laporte

The Sporting Arrows Target by Laporte is 10" in diameter and weighs 105 grams.

It is constructed of three layers of patented foam.

Non toxic - non poluting.
Targets are soft, but strong and can be launched thousands
of times.

A target can take in excess of 500 hits before being replaced.

Easy to remove arrows

   Click                   here

Target Video
Click Here
A target is hit approximately 1 in 4 shots.  With 65 targets that can be hit over 500 times before being replaced, that's:
65 x 500 x 4 = 130,000 launches.

Look at the economics....

If they had been clay targets, that would have cost you:
130,000 x $0.06 = $7,800.00
Your cost of the Phoenix Trap!!